Carne messata e funghi porcini*
Carpaccio of beef flavored with herbs and porcini* mushrooms
Carpaccio de boeuf aromatiseé aux herbes de montagne et cépes*
€ 17.00
Flan agli asparagi e crema al parmigiano "2-3"
Spinach flan with parmesan sauce
Flan aux epinards et crème de parmesan
€ 12,00
Lumache alla parigina* (6px. 12pz.) "3"
Parisian snails* (6pz. 12pz.)
Escargots a la parisienne* (6pz. 12pz.)
Tometta del boscaiolo, con speck, miele, noci e insalatina "1-3-5"
Warm fresh tomino cheese with bacon, honey and nuts
Fromage "tometta" grillèe au bacon, miel et noix
Coperto / Cover Charge / Service
€ 3.50
ALLERGENI : 1 grano,segale,orzo,avena,farro,kamut 2 uova e derivati, 3 latte e lattosio
4 sedano e derivati, 5 frutta a guscio e loro derivati *prodotto surgelato
ALLERGENS : 1 wheat,rye,barley,aven, spelt,kamut 2 eggs and products thereof 3 milk and lactose
4 celery and products thereof 5 fruitshell and products thereof -*deep frozen products
ALLERGENES : 1 ble', seigle,orge, avoine, e'pautre, kamut 2 oeufs et l'eurs derive's 3 lait et lactose
4 celeri et derive's 5 fruit en coquille et derive's - * produit surgele'